Trainers that tone your bum as you walk…?!

Is it real you ask? Or is it just some fabulous dream?!

Before I answer those questions, let me explain.

Yesterday, Helena and I were in London to join other bloggers who were invited to trial Reebok’s newest innovation, EasyTone trainers. According to the sport’s brand, their new EasyTone trainersincrease muscle toning in your glutes (a posh word for your bum, apparently!) by 28% and in your calves and thighs by 11%!

How do they work you ask?

Well, they have these fancy pods in the soles (invented by a former NASA engineer, don’t you know?!) that create instability as you walk. It is supposed to be a little like walking on sand.

At £75 a pair it does seem a little pricey when you are a little sceptical about believing the hype. So the lovely people at Reebok offered me a pair to try out and tell you all if they actually work!

I am a complete gym-phobe. I’d like to be able to say that I don’t have the time to go but even if that were true, in reality, I’m too lazy. My one reason for ever thinking about exercise is when I think that it might be nice to toen up for my summer holiday. But – and here is my main problem – exercise is a gradual thing and I have little patience. I want instant results and if I don’t get them I’m simply not interested. Walking, however, is something that everyone can fit into their daily routine. I walk to work every day.

EasyTone’s tag line is, Take The Gym With You.

How do they feel you ask? More importantly, do they work?

Well, yesterday we had a walk along by the Thames sporting our lovely new accessory! And they definitely feel different to any shoe or trainer I’ve ever worn! It feels little springy, like trying to walk on a trampoline. Maybe. My leg muscles were definitely feeling like they’d been working out. A bit. But then that could have been walking all over London for a day.

I will be trialing them over the next month or so, wearing them to walk to and from work each day and I will be updating you regularly on how I’m getting on. So watch this space folks.

More soon. Love, SG

0 thoughts on “Trainers that tone your bum as you walk…?!

  1. Eek! Can't wait to receive mine! I hope they do work. Wish I could've gone to the event, I saw the post on the Reetalk blog, it looked like fun!xx

  2. Cool! I have a pair of the Skechers Shape-Ups myself, and you can definitely feel the burn. My legs feel more like I've been jogging than simply walking after I use them. I'm interested to see your verdict with the Reeboks.

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